June 2019 Update
Olivier Tassinari. July 8, 2019.
Here are the most significant improvements in June:
π We have introduced a new ButtonGroup component.
π The Slider component has been overhauled and enhanced with range support. It was also moved from the lab to the core.
π We have introduced a new TextareaAutosize component.
But this summary is just scratching the surface. We have accepted 198 commits from 71 different contributors. We have changed 5,384 files with 26,199 additions and 18,097 deletions.
Our roadmap intent for July
(We'll do our best, no guarantee!)
We will keep working on a new Tree View component. You can already preview it.
We will work on a new Rating component. You can already preview it.
β Please upvote our GitHub issues if you want something specific. The number of π helps us to prioritize.